Electronics Recapping Service

If you need some electronics recapped I can do this for you.

I don’t just work on HiFi and audio so can recap power supplies in old home computers and gaming machines for example.

The image below is a power supply for an old BBC Micro I recapped where an X2 capacitor fitted across the mains had exploded.

Recapping a BBC Micro home computer as the X2
Recapping the power supply in an old BBC micro computer

It’s not unusual for old X2 capacitors to go into meltdown and they give off a pungent smell in the process. Lots of equipment has this type of capacitor fitted in the power supply so it effects all sorts of equipment.

If you’re in the UK and want some electronics repaired or recapped please contact me for a quote. I generally obtain capacitors from reputable industry suppliers or you can provide me with a kit.

Providing me with a kit will be cheaper as it saves my time having to order them.

Order them from somewhere like RS Components, CPC Farnell or Mouser to ensure you get a genuine part rather than a cheap Chinese clone.

The photo below is of a new DAC board from China. I replaced all the electrolytic capacitors with genuine Nichion ones along with replacing a couple of the heatsinks with bigger ones.

recapping an audio DAC with genuine capacitors
Recapping a DAC board with genuine Nichion capacitors along with fitting bigger heatsinks

In the first instance email me about the required work, ideally with a photo of the equipment or circuit board along with the model number.

Items for recapping can be shipped to me from anywhere in the UK.

Why change the capacitors?

Electrolytic capacitors can fail, change value or stop working completely. Some fail with obvious bulges on the top or by leaking fluid all over the board while other faulty ones look perfectly fine. In certain cases they explode.

Large and heavy capacitors usually found in power supply sections often have glue between the capacitor and circuit board  to prevent strain on the solder joints and the component. The glue can take many forms and might look like a leaking capacitor when it isn’t.

If all the big capacitors have the same looking ‘leak’ it’s probably glue unless the top is bulging and or covered in gunk.

Electrolytic capacitors fitted next to parts that get hot such as heatsinks or high wattage resistors are prime candidates for failure, especially older ones as they’re often only rated at 85°C. These are the ones I’d be inclined to replace with new ones rated at 105°C.

Faulty capacitors in the power supply of audio equipment such as amplifiers can cause low frequency hum to be heard from the speakers.

Faulty ones in switch mode power supplies (SMPS) can stop the power supply from starting.

Non electrolytic capacitors are unlikely to need replacing as they’re of a completely different construction and don’t change value much if at all over time.

Resistors also change value over time

It’s not unusual for resistors to change value over many years which in audio equipment can cause transistor biasing to change. This can cause things like crossover distortion.

Generally, if the equipment isn’t working properly it’s better to diagnose the fault rather than perform random wholesale component replacement.

I use anti static mats and wrist straps to minimize the risk of static damage.

For a quote, please email me. I will need to know what the equipment is or send a photo of it.

Contact me by Email: orangevalleysystems@gmail.com